Il sud è musica, spirito, vita che cresce e si trasforma, pulsazione inarrestabile.

SOUTH BEAT è il nostro modo di raccontarlo, è una ricerca artistica che unisce diversità culturali, espressioni del presente e conoscenza del passato, in un contesto urbano individualista ma più che mai bisognoso di ritrovare espressività e respiro corale.


The piano player, accordionist, and composer, has a rich twenty years old experience in the traditional music fields. Armando has been an ensemble Sebes Trio member, as well as a Juba Lane band member, as he worked on unifying geographically diverse musical and cultural traditions. He collaborated with Eyal Lerner and the ensemble Shlomot, a band that plays traditional Middle East music, as well as many other groups that are dedicated to traditional and folkloristic music and dancing, such as: Tri Muzike, Marsa Project, Il Paese delle Mille Danze. Along with Francesca, he is founder and director of the cultural association Canto Antico Movimenti.


Francesca is a dancer, drummer and a producer, whose work consists of intense researches finalized to the understanding, distribution and revival of the southern Italian folkloristic dance and music. She has also studied many other form of arts such as creative middle eastern dance with Sabina Todaro, and Hilal dance with Suraya Hilal. She became a member of the Iskandar Dance company, curated by Alessandro Bascioni. She dedicated much study to the southern Italian frame drum, up to becoming the pioneer of modern drumming by mixing contemporary and traditional beat together. Finally, she conceived and founded the South Beat philosophy, a lively way to experience the natural movements that rise through earthly rhythm and dancing.